
Larger trees for spacious or large properties

Deciduous– Lose their leaves in winter:

Albizzia – Silk tree

Alnus – Alder

Birch – Silver Birch and others

Fraxinus – Claret Ash, Golden Ash, Common Ash.

Ginko – The oldest known tree.

Gleditsia – Honey Locust tree


Magnolia – the larger varieties

Melia – Indian Bead tree

Pyrus – ornamental pear

Quercus – Oaks


Ulmus – Golden Elm


Hoheria – Lacebark

Podocarpus – Totara

Alectryon – Titoki

Popular trees for the smaller section

Deciduous – Lose their leaves in winter:

Acer – the medium sized maples

Cornus – the dogwoods

Malus – the crab apples

Prunus – the flowering cherries, almond, apricot, peach and plum (avoid the large vigorous varieties in small sections)

Magnolia – the medium sized varieties


Pittosporum eugenoides - Lemonwood

Pseudopanax – NZ Lancewood

Sophora - Kowhai

Trees not only enhance the appearance and ambience of the home, but they also provide privacy and shade.

Many people are averse to deciduous trees because of the autumn leaf clean up required. However what is not commonly known is that evergreen trees drop large quantities of leaves all year round, where deciduous trees drop leaves over a short period. In addition, deciduous trees are more likely to retain leaves during periods of stress such as drought.

Add to this the seasonal changes of deciduous trees with the bonus of flowers and coloured autumn foliage, and the greater selection, makes them a popular choice.

Those of us fortunate enough to have a large property can select from a large range of trees, however many of today’s sections are very small with little room for trees, so selection is limited.

After Care


Trees require regular watering throughout summer.  
Deep watering is more effective than light sprinklings.
Avoid wetting the foliage as this encourages the spread of fungus diseases.


Mulch Trees in early spring and again in mid-summer with a compost or Tui Mulch n Feed. Mulching keeps the roots cool and moist. Keep the mulch out of direct contact with the trunk.


Trees require regular feeding.  
Use a balanced fertiliser such as ican Slow food or Novatec.  
Feed Trees in early spring when new growth appears and again in mid-summer.
Water in well.