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ican Vegetable seeds

ican Vegetable Seeds

Modern varieties of vegetables are higher yielding, better tasting, more disease resistant and more uniform than older varieties.

Our garden experts have carried out extensive trials and sought advice from vegetable seed specialists in NZ and internationally, to find the very best varieties for the NZ home gardener. We have chosen 15 of the very best vegetables for you under the ‘ican’ brand.

The majority of these varieties are hybrids where there has been a focus on breeding for

·         Superior Taste

·         Improved Pest and Disease resistance

·         Increased Vigour and Yield

In addition hybrids have the benefit of being consistent and reliable. A number of the varieties are also more compact, and faster maturing, which results in a larger range from less space, and the ability to produce more crops through the season. Many are ideal for raised planter beds and container gardening.

For the novice gardener or the experienced – ican seeds answer the question…

What should I grow? - If it’s available in ican – that’s the one to sow!

A great video for kids who are keen on gardening! Or anyone new to seed sowing alike. Gillian takes us through a variety of options when it comes to sowing seeds.