

February Flower Garden  

· Prepare Autumn flower beds prior to planting with Grocom compost and a dressing of Tui General fertiliser

· Start planting spring flowering bulbs - Ranunculus, Anemones, Freesias, Gladioli nanus and Hyacinths.

· Begin to plant Pansies, primula, stock, viola and many more for Autumn / winter colour.

· Spray roses at 7-14 day intervals with Combat for Roses to avoid pests and fungus.

· Deadhead roses, perennials and flowering annuals as flowers finish to encourage repeat flowering

· Control thrips on Gladioli, Azaleas and Camellias and other shrubs with Yates Mavrik.

· Water roses, trees and shrubs by thoroughly soaking once a week, this will encourage deep root growth.

· Mow lawns every 3-4 weeks and don’t cut too short.

· Mix Saturaid into potting mix to retain moisture in container plants.

February Edible Garden

· Plant seedlings of brussels sprouts, cabbages, cauliflowers, leeks, broccoli, onions, silverbeet, spinach and kale. 

· Tip:  Plant brassicas in a group and cover immediately with fine insect netting to prevent white butterfly laying eggs – organic veges & cheaper than spraying.

· Spray Passionfruit vines with Mavrik early in the morning or late evening to kill passionvine hoppers.

· Pick sweetcorn when the tassles have begun to dry.

· Use Mavrik on broccoli, cabbages, cauliflower to prevent white butterfly and caterpillars.  If you HAVE caterpillars and want to kill them use Grosafe Caterpillar Killer – certified organic and just kills caterpillars.

· Feed citrus with Tui Citrus Food or if in pots use Novatec.

· Powdery mildew on cucumbers and pumpkins can be controlled by spraying Grosafe Copper.

· Plant Citrus now – they grow well in the heat.  Mulch with Tui Mulch and Feed.

· Plant Rhubarb now.  Allow to grow for a year before picking