July Flower Garden
Now is the time to prune your roses. See our free leaflet ‘Rose Care Hints’ for pruning advice.
Spray roses with Grosafe Freeflo Copper and Enspray Oil once pruned.
Prepare the soil for new season roses with Daltons Garden Mix and ican Slow Food which contains all your rose needs.
Prepare soil with ican General Fertiliser ready for dahlias for summer flowering.
Plant seedlings of pansies, polyanthus, primulas, stock, sweet peas, larkspur and dianthus and feed with ican Fast Food every fortnight to keep them growing.
Protect young flowering annuals with Quash.
Feed spring bulbs with ican Bulb Food as the flower heads appear.
Plant trees and shrubs adding ican Slow Food to soil.
Plant Winter Roses (Helleborus) with Lime.
July Edible Garden
Plant out seedlings of artichoke, broccoli, cabbages, brussel sprouts, cauliflowers, onions, perpetual spinach, shallots, parsnip, garlic, silverbeet and winter lettuce.
Sow seeds of broccoli, cabbages, cauliflowers, leeks, onions, peas, perpetual spinach, silverbeet, radish, swede, turnip and winter lettuce.
Plant seed potatoes now in frost free areas. If your patch is frost prone - set your seed potatoes out (in the garage etc) to start sprouting later this month or august.
Prune fruit trees and protect cuts with Grosafe Pruning Paste.
Stake broad beans as the pods develop.
Protect young seedlings from slugs and snails with Quash.
Spray celery, brassicas and other seedlings with Grosafe Free Flo Copper to control leaf spot and fungal diseases.
Plant strawberries and asparagus.
Spray deciduous fruit trees with Grosafe Enspray Oil and Free Flo Copper to protect from pests and diseases.