

June Flower Garden  

  • New season’s roses are available.  Plant with ican Slow Food and Daltons Garden Mix.  To encourage fast root growth dunk in a bucket of Grosafe Root Gro.

  • Ensure young trees and fragile plants are firmly staked and tied.

  • Mature rose bushes may be covered with lichen or scale, spray with Grosafe Lime Sulphur to defoliate the bush and kill off both lichen and the scale insects.

  • Prune deciduous trees in dry weather and protect cuts with Grosafe Pruning Paste

  • Plant new season Camellias, Daphne, Rhododendron, Hellebores, Pieris and Leucadendrons. When you plant add in ican Slow Food – these will feed your new plants for 2 years!

  • Plant autumn and winter flowering annuals – pansies, polyanthus, primulas, stock.

  • Protect young flowering annuals with Quash.

  • Prune roses in July once we’ve had hard frosts.

June Edible Garden

  • Plant out seedlings of broccoli, broad beans, cabbages, carrots, cauliflowers, onions, peas, perpetual spinach, shallots, kale, garlic, silverbeet and winter lettuce.

  • Liquid feed cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts as they reach maturity with ican Fast Food.

  • Sow seeds of broad beans, silverbeet and lettuce.

  • Prepare asparagus beds for planting in July. Choose a sunny well drained site and dig trenches 30-40cm wide and 30cm deep and add in Riverside sheep pellets.

  • Sow green crops in vacant areas of your vegetable gardens such as mustard or blue lupin.

  • Protect young seedlings from slugs and snails with Quash.

  • Prune deciduous fruit trees, protect cuts with Grosafe Pruning paste.

  • Plant strawberries in a full sun position now for early Summer cropping.

  • Spray deciduous fruit trees with Grosafe Lime Sulphur & Enspray Oil to kill any pests and diseases and stop them over winter.

  • Erect cloches now to keep your veges warm and growing. Even a small cloche keeps off nasty cold wind and frost which makes a huge difference to leafy crops such as lettuce, spinach and rocket.