

January Flower Garden  

· Rust on roses, hollyhocks, geraniums and chrysanthemums can be controlled with Grosafe FreeFlo Copper.

· Plant seedlings of phlox, cosmos, petunias, nasturtium,  begonias, marigolds, phlox, verbena, and many more.

· Mulch, Mulch, Mulch! We highly recommend using Tui Mulch & Feed on all garden areas.

· Deadhead & feed roses, perennials and flowering annuals with Novatec as flowers finish.  Stake tall perennials.

· Spray roses with Combat for Roses at 10-14 days intervals. 

· Mix Saturaid into potting mix to retain moisture in container plants.

· Water roses, trees and shrubs by thoroughly soaking once a week, this will encourage deep root growth.

· Increase watering of house plants as weather warms up. Don’t forget to give them a feed from time to time with ican Fast Food or specific fertilizer.

January Edible Garden

· Pick cucumbers and courgettes to encourage continuous fruiting.  Watch for white fly – spray with Enspray Oil.

· Garlic is ready to harvest, let it dry before storing.

· Plant seedlings of lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, leeks, silverbeet and spinach.  Sow Parsnip seed.

· Don’t forget to remove laterals on tomato plants and keep tying them up as they grow taller.  Remove bottom leaves to increase air circulation.  Feed with Biopower Seaweed Flake.

· Remove old leaves from cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli to help eradicate whitefly/aphid eggs that live underneath.

· Spray Grosafe Freeflo Copper to guard against fungus disease on potatoes, courgettes and tomatoes.

· Use Daltons Garden Mix when planting herbs and vegetables in the garden.

· Spray fruit trees with Mavrik to fight insect pests.

· Protect young seedlings from slugs and snails with Quash.

· Use bird-netting to protect ripening fruit.