Fiddle Leaf Fig
(Ficus lyrata)
A fast growing, indoor plant native to West Africa that is ‘on trend’ and highly sought after. Although naturally tall it can be kept compact if trimmed above a leaf node which will force side shoots.
Requires bright, filtered light. It will rapidly deteriorate in low light.
Keep it evenly moist at all times but do not let sit in water. Keep it slightly drier in winter. Thoroughly water and drain monthly to flush out any toxins or salts as they are notorious for being sensitive to chemicals. Mist regularly.
Feed with a weak solution of liquid food such as ican Fast Food monthly from October-April.
Repot yearly in spring when it is young (first 3 years). Repot with good quality free draining indoor mix. Once mature just replace the top 10cm of soil annually.
Wipe the leaves with warm water to clean away any dust that has accumulated. New leaves quite often have brown marks which fade out with leaf maturity.