Zanzibar Gem or ZZ Plant

(Zamioculcas zamifolia)


This succulent is one of the easiest plants to take care of and is one of the best air cleaners.


Low to bright indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight.


Thrives on neglect so only water when it is fully dry. ZZ plants have a tuberous base and any over-watering will cause the base of the plant to rot. Do not water from June - August. If it is positioned in a low light position, give it less water.


Liquid fertilise once a month with ican Fast Food from October-February.


Pot up yearly for the first 3-5 years using succulent mix.


Prune the plant to keep it a nice shape and discard yellowing leaves at the base of the plant. 

N.B. All parts of this plant are toxic if ingested by humans or pets. 

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